KISS Say Goodbye To 2020 Tonight In A Big Way

By: Rob Jenkins


Rob Jenkins

KISS will “Kiss 2020 Goodbye” with a virtual concert live from Dubai on New Year’s Eve. Landmarks Live Presents will produce the show live from The Royal Beach at Atlantis. The producers claim the event, which will attempt to set the world’s record for largest pyro, will be filmed with more than 50 cameras and 360-degree views. The $10 million spectacular will be held on a massive 250-foot stage and will be seen via livestream, with a ticket purchase on any computer, mobile device, or Apple TV.

Prices range from $40 to $1,000 at

KISS prepared for the show in Dubai with a soundcheck last night, and a small number of the 3,000 fans who’ll be in attendance were allowed to watch.

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